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Am I a water supplier?

If you own or operate an unregistered drinking water supply, then here’s what you need to know.

The Water Services Authority – Taumata Arowai was established to help improve the performance of the water services sector and to administer the Water Services Act 2021.

We aim to ensure everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand has access to safe and sufficient drinking water, including rural and remote communities. 

Am I a drinking water supplier?

The Government has proposed legislative changes that could impact what supplies need to be registered

In August 2024, the Government proposed changes to water services legislation that it plans to introduce by the end of 2024.

This includes a proposal to amend the Water Services Act 2021 (the Act) to exclude from regulation supplies that provide domestic drinking water to 25 or fewer people. This could mean that in future only supplies that serve 25 or more people (and supplies serving under 25 for a community or commercial purpose) would need to be registered with us.

More information on the Government’s proposed changes is available on the Department of Internal Affairs website.

If you supply drinking water to more than one household – you are currently a drinking water supplier

Currently, if you own or operate a water supply that provides drinking water to more than one household, you are considered a drinking water supplier under the Act. 

All drinking water suppliers have a duty of care to provide safe drinking water to the communities or people who rely on their supplies. 

Examples of supplies that are often ‘unregistered’ are: 

  • smaller community water schemes 
  • supplies serving marae, papakāinga, rural schools or community halls 
  • multiple dwellings such as farmhouses or baches that share a bore or water source. 

If you supply drinking water to one household only – you are not a drinking water supplier

If your house or dwelling has its own drinking water supply, the Act doesn’t apply to you. You’re not required to test or monitor your supply – but, of course, you should ensure that your water is safe to drink. 

For example, you are not considered a drinking water supplier if you own or operate: 

  • a rental property with a rainwater tank supplying a single house 
  • a holiday house with its own rainwater tank rented to tourists on a short-term basis 
  • a water supply that is only used for stock or irrigation 
  • a property with two dwellings that each have their own separate water supply (e.g., one from a bore and one from roof water collection). 

The definition of drinking water

The Act relates to water that people drink or use to maintain their personal hygiene, prepare food and drink, or wash dishes. Water that isn’t used for these purposes is not ‘drinking water’ and is not subject to the Act.

Bottled water regulated under the Food Act 2014 is also excluded. 


What do I do if I'm a water supplier?

Right now, the Water Services Act 2021 (the Act) says that if you own a drinking water supply operating before 15 November 2021 not registered with the Ministry of Health, you have until: 

  • November 2025 to register your supply with us
  • November 2028 to fully comply with the Act. 

However, in August 2024, the Government announced proposed changes to water services legislation that it plans to introduce by the end of 2024.

This includes extending the timeframe for unregistered supplies to register by an extra three years (to 2028), plus an extra two years (to 2030) to become compliant.

A proposed change to the Act to exclude supplies that provide domestic drinking water to serving 25 or fewer people from regulation was also announced. This could mean that in future only supplies that serve over 25 people would need to be registered with us.

More information on the Government’s proposed changes is available on the Department of Internal Affairs website.

In the meantime, you have a duty of care to make sure the water you provide is safe. If you are unsure, consider arranging a water quality test. This will give you information about your water quality. You can then start to plan what you might need to do to make sure your water continues to be safe. 



Options for small and rural supplies

We recognise that every drinking water supply is unique, especially small and rural supplies. We have a number of compliance options for smaller supplies that are intended to minimise the regulatory burden, including Acceptable Solutions

Small, rural and private water supplies are included under the Water Services Act 2021 so that we can lift the standard of drinking water quality across the country. Our focus is on finding ways to make compliance easier for smaller or low-risk suppliers, so that everyone can turn on the tap and trust that what comes out is safe to drink.

Find out more about options for small suppliers.

Responsibilities: suppliers of registered supplies

Once your drinking water supply is registered, you’ll need to make sure the water you provide the community meets the Drinking Water Standards. These standards set the Maximum Acceptable Values (MAVs) for a range of substances which can affect drinking water quality and safety. They are based on guideline values set by the World Health Organisation, with some adjustments for Aotearoa New Zealand circumstances.

You’ll need to make sure the water you supply looks, tastes and smells acceptable by following the Drinking Water Aesthetic Values.

The Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules will tell drinking water suppliers what to do to comply with the Drinking Water Standards and other requirements under the Act. The Rules match the scale, complexity and risk profile of each supply. The simpler the supply, the simpler the rules.

Smaller suppliers have options available to help make providing safe water easier, including Acceptable Solutions. These are intended to provide a straightforward option for specific supply types. We recognise that options need to be practical and affordable.