Upcoming webinars for proposed wastewater environmental performance standards consultation

25 February 2025

As part of our consultation on our proposed wastewater environmental performance standards, we are hosting a series of webinars for you to find out more and to ask questions. 

We are tailoring the webinars to provide relevant information for different groups. The webinars are divided into several different categories below; however, each session is public so you can join the session that best suits your needs and time availability. 

The webinars will be recorded, and a copy will be made available online for those who are unable to attend.

Information webinars 

These information webinars will talk through the proposed standards in more detail, as they are outlined in the discussion document. There will be limited time for questions at the end of each session. 

Regional councils 

Territorial authorities 

Elected members and senior managers

Council officers and operational staff

Industry, sector bodies and public 

Iwi and hapū 

These webinars are designed for iwi/Māori who are representatives of iwi authorities, members of post settlement governance entities (PSGE’s), or interested members of local communities. We will cover the wastewater standards work programme, case studies that showcase iwi/hapū values in wastewater treatment arrangements, and how we are engaging with Māori to inform the standards work.  

Question and answer online drop-in sessions

We will be hosting four online question-and-answer sessions near the end of the consultation period to answer any remaining questions you might have as you finalise your submission. These are drop-in sessions so once you register, you can come along at any time in the hour and we’ll have people on hand to answer any technical, policy or engagement questions relating to the proposed wastewater standards. Dates and times for these sessions are below:

Can't make it to a live session?

We understand that schedules can be busy. If the dates and times of the webinars above don't work for you - we've got you covered. A recording of our first webinar is provided below.

Watch a recorded session