Water Services Authority grants two further exemptions from drinking water rules to DOC sites

13 February 2025

The Water Services Authority – Taumata Arowai has granted a general exemption from drinking water requirements to two additional Department of Conservation (DOC) drinking water supplies at Makarora Field Base in Mount Aspiring National Park and Pipiriki Field Base in Whanganui National Park.

These sites are in addition to the 686 DOC sites granted a general exemption in June 2024.

Exemptions are designed for circumstances where meeting legislative requirements would be unreasonable or impractical, but a drinking water supplier can still show how they will ensure people consume safe drinking water.

For the DOC sites exempted, it’s not practical to operate a water treatment system and carry out the required regular testing of the water quality.

To ensure people using these sites are drinking safe water, the exemption conditions include displaying clear signage advising people to boil water before drinking it and ensuring annual maintenance checks are carried out and documented.

A third DOC site, William Hartree Lodge, has not been granted an exemption as it is considered a domestic self-supply not a drinking water supply.

For more information

Taumata Arowai grants 686 DOC sites an exemption from drinking water rules – 25 June 2024

Exemption information