Taumata Arowai is pleased to announce new Head of Regulatory
26 July 2023
Steve comes to Taumata Arowai from the role of Director of Regulatory Services at Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai

Taumata Arowai is pleased to announce our new Head of Regulatory, Steven (Steve) Taylor.
Steve comes to Taumata Arowai from the role of Director of Regulatory Services at Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai where he is reporting to the Deputy Director General of Conservation.
In his five years at the Department of Conservation (DOC) Steve established the office of regulatory services within DOC, bringing together various regulatory functions into a centralised office and developing DOC’s regulatory strategy.
Steve also brings extensive experience in local government having worked in various planning, strategic development and transformation functions for the Upper Hutt City Council. He has also navigated complex regulatory requirements to deliver nationally significant infrastructure working at Transpower.
Steve is looking forward to connecting with our suppliers, getting to know more about them and the issues confronting the sector.
Steve joins us on 22 August 2023, in the meantime, Melinda Sando will be acting Head of Regulatory.