Hinekōrako will be offline from 5pm to 7pm this Thursday 20 February

Find out how to notify us during this time on the
Planned Hinekōrako outage page.

Ngā haepapa a ngā kaiwhakarato,
Supplier responsibilities

All drinking water suppliers have a duty to ensure the drinking water they provide is safe.

The Water Services Act 2021 came into effect on 15 November 2021, apart from a small number of provisions that will commence later (including provisions relating to wastewater and stormwater).

If you own or operate a water supply (that you know, or ought reasonably to know) is being used as drinking water by people outside of your own home, you are a drinking water supplier and will have responsibilities under the Water Services Act 2021.

Water carriers who transport drinking water for consumption are also drinking water suppliers.

The Act doesn’t apply to bottled water that is manufactured and sold by a food business or water that is used for purposes regulated under the Food Act 2014, the Animal Products Act 1999, or the Wine Act 2003. 


Te Mana o te Wai

Ko te tiaki i te wai he rite ki te tiaki i te tangata

Looking after the water is looking after the people

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